International European

University science is at the forefront of progress and innovation. Science is the bridge between knowledge and innovation, which the university builds every day!

The scientific activity of professors is a source of constant renewal of educational programs, allowing them to stay ahead in educational and professional innovations. By combining scientific and educational activities, professors can bring the latest knowledge and research directly into the educational process, providing students with relevant and in-depth education.

The "teaching through research" model, where professors inspire and motivate students with their scientific achievements, and integrate scientific projects into the educational process, in which students actively participate in the research work of the departments of educational and scientific institutes, is directly aimed at improving the quality of educational services. This synergistic approach enhances the quality of education and prepares students to solve real-world problems and future challenges, giving graduates a competitive edge in the labor market for successful career building in their chosen field, both in the professional sphere and in science. The International European University ensures the integration of science, education, and innovation through scientific research and development on relevant topics, expanding international scientific and scientific-technical cooperation, creating and developing strong scientific schools, and supporting a culture of academic integrity.


Creating an ecosystem that supports advanced scientific activities and innovative solutions, ensuring the resolution of priority contemporary issues related to achieving sustainable development goals.


A visible presence and recognition of the University at the national level and in specific areas, as well as in the international global space, as a leading research center with its scientific schools and institutes.

Research unlocks the potential of education, and education brings research to life.

IEU – A University that researches to teach the future!